This Podcast is about being obedient to the teachings of the Catholic Church. I have found in my short time on this planet that people who do not love the Church and teach as she teaches are dangerous folks. But we often are most disobedient when we do not understand why something is being asked of us. It is very important to remember that God created you and He gave you all the desires of your heart when He gave you His Son Jesus! We just need to find that out for ourselves sometimes before we can buy into the whole surrendering to God thing. I mention Christopher West’s tape series called “Naked Without Shame” too. If you do not have this series I would highly recommend getting it and a copy of the Holy Father’s book “Theology of the Body” Following the Church teachings on Humane Vitae and the Pope’s “Theology of the Body” would go along way toward fixing most of the problems of the world. That may seem hard to believe at first but trust me, it’s true!
Michael A. Barone