This video click here, is us (Oswald And The Herringbones) practicing for a gig in 2007. We were at the Spruce Street Studios in downtown Columbus, Ohio (owned by a friend of Neal’s named “Chipâ€). Chip was very kind to us, and let us do a quick gig there the following night. This is the night before the actual gig so we were just taking it easy. Don’t expect too much of a show because no one is there but us. Mike McGraner was kind enough to film this archival footage for us so I thought I would post it showing with us with our hair down (so to say). Mike McGraner is doing some excellent work with Fritz The Nite Owl. You should check his stuff out on Facebook at:
Anyway we will be gearing up for the big January 2011 OATH Reunion Gig so get ready!
God bless you all!
Michael A. Barone